I. General Provisions

1. These Terms of Services have been adopted under the Article 8, section 1, point 1 of the Act dated 18 July 2002 on Rendering Electronic Services (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422).

2. For the needs of these Terms of Services the terms used therein will have the following meaning specified below:

  • Service Provider - Social WiFi, the company with limited liability with the registered seat in Warsaw (address: Jana Pawła II 22, 00-133 Warszawa) entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division KRS (National Court Register) No 0000459078, Tax Identification Number: 521-364-56-86;
  • User - a natural person who at the moment of the registration, referred to in paragraph II. of the Terms of Service concluded the Agreement with the Service Provider;
  • Partner - an entity affiliated with the Service Provider providing free of charge to the Users free WiFi Internet in the retail outlets, hotels, restaurants, etc.;
  • Location - a venue in which one of the Partners provides free of charge access to WiFi Internet to the Users;
  • Login Page - a website displayed after the connection of the device with the WiFi provided by the Partner;
  • Service - a service aiming at providing communication between the Partners and Users provided by Social WiFi Sp. z o.o. on the conditions specified in the Terms of Service;
  • Agreement - an agreement for rendering electronic services concluded by and between the User and the Service provider having accepted by the User the Terms of Service and performed the registration;
  • Terms of Service - these Terms of Service shall specify the rules of using the Service.

3. Using the Service is voluntary and free of charge.

II. User Registration and Conclusion of the Agreement

1. The condition for the commencement of the Service is registering at the Login Page displayed on the device of the future user, having connected the device to a WiFi network made available by the Partner. During each consecutive visit to one of the locations the User may use WiFi after logging in.

2. For the Users to register, they must be at least 13 years old.

3. Prior to the registration, Users confirm the fact that they have read these Terms of Service and accept their provisions.

4. One may register through the Login Page by filling in the registration form or via a social media plug-in (Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn). In case of choosing the latter, the registration takes place via the social media authorisation mechanism.

5. The moment of registration means the conclusion of an agreement by and between the User and the Service Provider for the provision of electronic services specified in these Terms of Service. The Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period.

III. Technical Conditions for the Use of Service

1. In order to use the Service, the following minimal technical requirements need to be met:

  • having a device capable of establishing an Internet connection,
  • utilising one of the following browsers: Firefox 10, Chrome 16, Internet Explorer 9, Safari 5 in given or newer versions,
  • utilising one of the following operating systems: MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS or Android.

2. The User acknowledges that the connection with the WiFi network of the Partner is not encrypted, therefore there is a risk of phishing the data sent wirelessly by third parties with the use of devices and software designed for that purpose.

IV. Liability of the Service Provider

1. The Service Provider declares that the entities providing access to the WiFi networks are solely the Partners. The Service Provider shall not be liable for possible limitations and disruptions in the access to the free of charge Internet used by the User due to the use of the Service and shall not be liable for possible losses, which the User may sustain due to WiFi, including loss of data or software damage.

2. The Service provider shall not be liable for the content, nature and reliability of the Partner's announcements, including ads sent to the Users when using the Service, declaring at the same time that the Service Provider, within the control rights, will make effort in order to eliminate the cases of transmitting data that goes against current law, principles of community life or personal rights.

3. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the limitations of the Service resulting from technical limitations of devices and software used by the User and caused by any factors beyond the control of the Service Provider, including any limitations in the functioning of social networks used within the Login Page.

V. Description of the Service

1. Within the Service, the Service Provider shall provide an opportunity to communicate between the User and the Locations, as well as provide the User access to marketing offers and customer satisfaction surveys organised by the Partner.

2. Partner communication may be conducted via email, social media notifications, web push.

3. Furthermore, the Service Provider may allow the User to:

  • communicate directly with a Location after going through the Login Page or via responding to an email satisfaction survey,
  • access dedicated offers after going through the Login Page or via email.

4. The User gives consent to receive commercial information from the Partner or the Service Provider.

VI. User Obligations

1. The User is bound to follow the provisions of Terms of Service and current law.

2. While using the WiFi network provided by the Partner, the User is prohibited from:

  • sending and sharing content that may be considered sexually explicit, racist, inciting violence, etc.,
  • sending and sharing content that may infringe personal interests and any other interests protected by current law,
  • distributing unauthorised commercial communication,
  • distributing malware, spyware and all other harmful software,
  • distributing the WiFi signal further via such technical solutions as extenders, access points, routers, etc.,
  • exploiting the WiFi capacities by such actions as utilising peer-to-peer applications.

3. The Service Provider declares that any infringement of the provisions of the Terms of Service specified in section 2 above may result in limiting or blocking WiFi access, either temporarily or permanently.

VII. Personal Data

1. The Partner is a data administrator.

2. The Service Provider is a data processor.

3. All provisions regarding personal data are included in a separate Privacy Policy document, informational clauses and agreements on the Login Page.

VIII. Complaints

1. The User is entitled to file a complaint concerning the functioning of the Service.

2. All complaints may be submitted in an electronic form via a contact form available on /contact-us/ or sent via email to: contact@socialwifi.com.

3. All complaints should include the description of the problem being the basis of the complaint, as well as an email address and/or social media ID used to log in on the Login Page. The Service Provider reserves a right to examine only those complaints, which fulfill the aforementioned requirements.

4. The Service Provider shall examine the complaint within 5 working days from the time it was received. In the event of the complaint being incomplete, the Service Provider shall immediately call upon the claimant to complete it, specifying the deadline not shorter than 7 working days. Failure to complete the complaint in the given deadline shall leave the complaint without examination.

IX. Dissolution of the Agreement

1. The User is entitled to resign from using the Service any time, sending an email resignation addressed to contakt@socialwifi.com. Submitting the above statement shall result in the dissolution of the Agreement at the moment of receiving it by the Service provider.

2. The Service Provider is entitled to dissolve the Agreement in the event of stating an infringement of provisions referred to in the paragraph VI. of the Terms of Service by the User.

3. The Service Provider shall remove the User from the Service within 30 days of the initial request or infringement.

X. Final Provisions

1. The Service provider shall provide the User with the Terms of Service before the conclusion of the Agreement. Furthermore, the Service provider is obligated to provide the Terms of Service in a PDF files on every request of the User submitted via email to the address contact@socialwifi.com.

2. The Terms of Service may be changed by the Service Provider without giving any reason. The change shall come into force at a time specified by the Service Provider, however not shorter than 7 days from the distribution of the adjusted Terms of Service. Further use of the Service shall mean accepting the adjusted Terms of Service.

3. In any matter not governed by these Terms of Service, the appropriate provisions of the EU law shall apply.

4. These Terms of Service come into force on 25 May 2018.

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