Send emails from your own domain by adding DNS records to your domain settings.
This will improve deliverability and open rates.
To activate this, contact support or your Account Manager.
What's new with Social WiFi? Read about our latest product updates and learn about the latest features and enhancements we've implemented.
Send emails from your own domain by adding DNS records to your domain settings.
This will improve deliverability and open rates.
To activate this, contact support or your Account Manager.
Improvements to the WiFi login process released for Android and iPhone devices. Fixes links opening in Safari and removes the "Connect to Internet" requirement on certain devices.
New permissions added to the dashboard.
IT Specialist role with access to only the Access Points and Statistics sections.
Marketing Specialist role with access to all the functions in the dashboard except the Access Points tabs.
New email automation creation tool released. Now easier than ever to setup a behaviour based trigger that delivers marketing content to your customers.
Choose from seven different templates or create your own.
Email marketing and Online Review requests can now be sent to unverified emails.
This is an optional function that needs activating in your dashboard. The email addresses were not confirmed as part of the login process, but the user did opt in to email marketing.
Email addresses that are detected as having emails bounce when marketing communications are sent, are marked accordingly and the information is shown in the database export.
As a result of such a bounce, Social WiFi will no longer send emails to this email address, but you will still have access to it on your data exports.
Login codes can now be downloaded in greater quantities. Previously, each download was just 100 codes.
Update to allow the export of batches of 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000.
Beer emoji's added as options on the Review Gathering email.
Hardware integration for Aruba Central released globally.
New statistics showing on the main venue dashboard page giving a quick view of performance in your venue.
Fixes to the User Stats section of the Statistics module.
Official launch of the White Label Reseller option. As a reselling partner, you can now add your brand to the system, remove Social WiFi and host everything on your domain.
We've been quiet on here because we spent the last few weeks building a new website, which you're currently using. We hope that you like the look of it.
Google Review integration improvements making it easier to configure the sending of positive customers to your Google Review page.
Fixes to email login forms so that phones numbers can be made compulsory when used within the "Login Set".