Restaurant WiFi
thats also your
#1 marketing tool

Build a customer CRM, generate online reviews and intelligent email marketing to get people booking time and again.

Trusted by 1000's of companies, big & small, worldwide

email addresses
through Social WiFi

Data, reviews and email marketing, all in one system

Branded WiFi

Beautifully branded WiFi login screens will gather customer data to feed your CRM with valuable customer information.

Login with Social Media, email form or SMS to get the data most valuable to you.

Capture customer data to give yourself the knowledge of who your customers are so you can encourage more bookings, more often.

Automated Email Marketing

Deliver the right email to the right person at the right time.

Use intelligence from your WiFi network to delivery welcome, loyalty, not-seen-in & many more email types automatically.

Save time and effort by using our delivery rules and become more effective at the same time.

Join Social WiFi

Get started today & see what your marketing strategy has been missing

  • 14 days free
  • Easy setup
  • Cancel anytime