WiFi solutions
for transport

Monetise your public WiFi systems with third party advertising and user data capture to promote offers and useful transport information.

Trusted by 1000's of companies, big & small, worldwide

>1 million
monthly WiFi users
with Social WiFi

User feedback, data & advertising, all in one system

Uniquely Branded WiFi

Branded WiFi login screens will gather guest data to fill your CRM with valuable contact information.

Guests login to WiFi with Social Media, email form or SMS to capture the data most valuable to you.

Use the various pages during the login process to place ads from trusted partners and network sponsors, recovering the costs of supplying free WiFi.

Prime Advertising Space

With potentially millions of connections each month, thats a lot of eyeballs on the login system. What do you want them to see?

Place advertising banners and CTA from sponsors and advertisers in order to generate revenue and recover IT costs.

Easily update banner ads and YouTube videos 24/7 in the Social WiFi web dashboard.

Join Social WiFi

Get started today & see what your marketing strategy has been missing

  • 14 days free
  • Easy setup
  • Cancel anytime